Tuesday, November 18, 2008

November 14 aquarium viewing

On the November 14, i found another new organism called a Seed Shrimp. It was encased within two opague shells, and had a watchlike inner workings. This was the first time that I had seen this organism. Overall, it seems to me that there has been no increase in the amount of dead organisms.

Citation for Water flea information: Kenneth Rainis, and Bruce Russel. Guide to MicroLife. Franklin Watts. Danbury, Connecticut: 1996.

November 7 aquarium viewing

When i viewed my aquarium on November 7 i saw a new organism called a desmid. I was long slender and plant looking. I just stayed close to the same area while movie in a back and forwards motion.

Citation for Desmid Closterium: Patterson, D.J. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, Florida: 1992. Pg. 26.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

November 12 aquarium viewing

On November 12, i viewed my micro-aquarium. I found a new organism that i discovered to be a Plenarium. As i noticed in the previous viewing, i noticed even fewer organisms. It seems to me that as time progresses there are more organisms dying.

Citation for Platyhelminth: Patterson, D.J. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa. CRC Press Inc. Boca Raton, Florida: 1992. Pg. 28.

november 5 aquarium viewing

Today, i observed an unusual structure that i found to be a nemotode, i also found several rotifers. I noticed however that there seemed to be somewhat less organisms than the last time i viewed. There were alot of dead organisms in the bottom of the aquarium.

Citation for Rotifers: Rainis, Kenneth and Bruce Russell. Guide to MicroLife. Grolier Publishing. Danbury Connecticut: 1996. Pg. 179.

Citation for Nemotodes: Rainis, Kenneth and Bruce Russell. Guide to MicroLife. Grolier Publishing. Danbury Connecticut: 1996. Pg. 177.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

October 29 aquarium viewing

In my micro aquarium, there are a couple of things that seem to dominate. These two organisms are Daphnia and Amphipod.

The soil number that i put was 10

The first organism i saw was an Daphnia

The second organism i seen was an Amphipod

Citation: http://students.ed.uiuc.edu/freymuth/490i/amphipod.htm
Citation: http://lhsfoss.org/fossweb/teachers/materials/plantanimal/daphnia.html